• hallo, ich bin neu heir und in DL... ich finde deise link sehr cool.

    ich möchte ein Ara kaufen? wo kann man ein gute papagien kaufen?

    gut price und gut gesund papgien.

    sorry for my deutsch , ich lerne gerade deutsch :)

    i,m new here in deutschland and i really like this site..
    i,m thinking of getting a macaw, can u help me where to find a good breeder that sells good healthy birds for good price too.
    thank you very much

  • Hi Guapo,

    The price depends on the breeder and is very different.
    I think this points should be noted before you buy a parrot:

    - Please don´t buy only one. Parrots are very social and live in families. It´s animal cruelty to keep only one and for example in switzerland it is illegal.
    - Try to read as much as you can (BEFORE buying parrots) about their keeping conditions including minimum size of aviary, light, air, feed and postural diseases.
    - Please don`t buy hand reared animals. When they are pubescent you will have a lot of problems with them. In addition natural offsprings are constitutive resistant to diseases.
    - In nature the young live around one year with the animal parents. In this time they can (and have to!) learn all the social behaviour. When a parrot have no chance to learn this (because of hand reared or raised alone) you will also have heavy problems.
    - Please keep ever in mind that parrots are wildlife and not domesticated. They are definitely not nice tame to the hand, speaking clowns. They are VERY sensitive.

    Last but not least:

    When you have the time, the space, the understanding and the knowledge for parrots you will do a good deed if you can give a pair of second hand birds a chance to live better and not as a challenge cup.



  • hallo, thank you very much for ur reply and i trully appreciate how much u care a bout birds.. and i actually have the same concern and care for birds..

    its not my first time to have parrots actually i have been rasing birds since i was 12 years actually:)
    i would actually appload my birds pics here but not sure how to do it yet in this site( maye u can help me out here)

    most of the time i get them in paires if not they are never alone..
    i have budgies, kokatil, african grey, orange winged amazon, estern rosella, love birds. i just couldnt get them here in DL due to all the regulations so i had to give them to otehr careing families.

    i just decide to start with a new speicies here in DL :) Birds r my passion === have no concern about that :)

  • Hi
    we have a lonley Ara for selling. He is alone because his partner die 2 years ago. Now he is very sad and alone.
    If you like to help him it will be a nice deed.

    We wanna give him only to a good new owner. If you like to have a picture give me an information.

    Best regards

  • Hi Guapo,

    Sorry for answering so late. I will give you tomorrow an instruction how to upload pics of your birds.



  • Good evening;

    Please understand this is not wrong, but this is a German-language forum.
    Many can barely read English here. My English is terrible also.

    Best regards Jens

  • Guapo we will try to help you with your problems/questions here and I will try to translate all your questions (and the answers of the members) in German/English. We are looking forward to welcome new members and we would be glad if you could tell us a bit more about your knowledge and experience with parrots because you live and learn.

    Cheers for now,

  • hallo, danke für deinen breif.. ich verstehe dass ein deautsche forum ist..
    wirklich ist besser für mich wenn ich in deutsch schreiben. :) ich muss und ich möchte deutsch lerne und ich hoffe dass diese forum mir hilfen kann.

    vielen dank :)

  • Hi ;


    hallo, danke für deinen breif.. ich verstehe dass ein deautsche forum ist..
    wirklich ist besser für mich wenn ich in deutsch schreiben. ich muss und ich möchte deutsch lerne und ich hoffe dass diese forum mir hilfen kann

    certainly, we can assist us here

    MFG Jens

  • Hallo Guapo,

    ich antworte in Deutsch. Falls es nicht verständlich ist, übersetze ich es gerne in Englisch. Meinst du, wie man Bilder einstellt? Ein Album hast du ja schon in deinem Profil angelegt mit 3 Bildern. Wenn du hier ein Bild einstellen möchtest, musst du unten auf "Dateianhänge" klicken, dann auf "Datei auswählen", die Datei auswählen (diese darf maximal 150kB groß sein), dann klickst du auf "Hochladen" und dann auf "Absenden"

    Viele Grüße